The two broods of Mute Swans with the white individuals were still present.
Apparently these white birds are known as 'Polish Swans' as they were once thought to be a seperate species. They are just a leucistic form of Mute Swan though, with white plumage and pink or grey feet.
The drake Wigeon was still present and a female Tufted Duck was accompanied by 2 small ducklings. 3 Little Egrets were on Motorway Pit, as were 2 Common Sandpipers, an Oystercatcher and around 120 Lapwings. The young Common Terns can now fly and I counted at least 15. 2 Kingfishers and a Grey Wagtail were also seen.
Well, that's something I've learnt today. Never seen, or knew, about 'Polish' swans before Rob.